Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Welcome to the free range of my mind ! as i wonder from though to though i hope you enjoy my journey !
30 more day's in till Christmas i now i now what does Christmas have to do with chickens this is one of the gifts i will be giving this year! if your on my list i hope you enjoy the gift that keep on giving so with no further a due: meet my inspiration Thelma and Luise: these are my brothers chickens, my other brothers girl friend named them they replaced the two my mom had for many year:
Mom lived on a small farm before moving to Calif., at the age of 11yrs. Before settling in the Subaru's of the valley in her present home for the past 48 years. Most people did not have chickens in the Subaru's, that is country style living but Mom did, she did what she could to take care of use kids. Anyways one of her chickens laid green egg and the other brown one was from South America and the other was a Road Island Red. I had named them after patents i had taken care of in a Convalescent Home, Henrietta and Gertrude , they worked in vaudeville, the lady's not the chickens, what sweeties old birds. I had started working there when i was 15 1/2, there are many story's from that time in my life, some good, some that made me tougher then i was already. Some day ask me about Phebe my heart still cry for her, i am just now able to pray for that girl that i work with. They say when you get old and by no means am there yet, they are the Golden Years. I think that the years of youth are the Golden Years, they are the most precious years. I can't ( but i must) wait to see the g-kids, face to face again to hold them in my arms to hug them and to kiss there sweet cheeks. Which reminds me of other birds of my past, sweet cheeks, jenny, honey, and lovey, Bill would let them fly all over the house and then coach them back to there cages. then we have Don's bird, from the boy across the street. Pecker died this last year she was not a lady's lady she only liked men. How she got her name well some would say that story is for the birds. But i say Don was able to calm her, she would sign for him, i am like that bird Don has been able to clam me and bring a sence of comfort to my life. ly honey. talk soon s.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Sweet blog post enjoyed it very much!

reflections in progress

this is a blog of my thoughts, if you happen to stumble on to them walk softly, leave a message if you would like or not. I'm a blog observer so we may met again. talk soon :)